
Explore Best African Safaris

Experience the untouched beauty and untamed wilderness of Tanzania with Silence of Nature Africa.

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Explore Best African Safaris

Experience the untouched beauty and untamed wilderness of Tanzania with Silence of Nature Africa.


Silence Of

Nature Africa

At Silence of Nature Africa, we understand that every traveler is unique. Whether you prefer high end luxury lodges or luxury tented camping experiences, we customize safaris to cater to your desires. We offer a variety of itineraries, from classic safaris to unforgettable cultural excursions, ensuring your journey is truly yours.

Celebration Trips

We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.


Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures.

Big Five

The term Big 5 does not only reference the size and dimensions of the animals, but also the difficulty in hunting and killing them.


The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories.




風景と同様に、野生動物も同様です。古典的なサファリ野生動物体験をするには、両国のどちらかを選ぶということはありません。ケニアとタンザニアはどちらも大型ネコ科動物、ビッグ 5、そしてシマウマ、キリン、ヌーなどの獲物や群れをなす動物にとって素晴らしい場所です。ゾウや大型ネコ科動物に関しては、一般にタンザニアの方が個体数が多いですが、ケニアの公園はよりコンパクトな傾向があり、公園間の距離も大幅に短くなります。




What Client Says


Beyond Expectation.

This was our second trip to Kenya and Tanzania, and we really had a good time during the safari tour. The team of guide and driver (Rama and Simba) did an excellent job. They speak English, French, Italian, Swahili, and Japanese. I think they can also communicate with wild animals because they were able to spot big five so easily. We also very much enjoyed their knowledgeable talk about the nature and animals. Hotels and food were also outstanding. I highly recommend the Silence of Nature Africa. by @Ko W



Este ha sido nuestro 2º safari y sin duda ha sido mucho mejor que el anterior. Nuestro chófer nos ha enseñado lugares y paisajes que ni habíamos imaginado que pudiéramos contemplar, además de conocer cuándo y dónde ver a los animales más fascinantes de la Sabana de Tanzania. Además el vehículo, en el que se pasa bastante tiempo si visitas varios lugares, como ha sido nuestro caso, estaba impecable, era nuevo y todo estaba muy limpio. Cuando hicimos el anterior safari pensamos que había sido el mejor viaje de nuestra vida, pero después de este último, nos equivocamos.
Recomiendo a todo el mundo que si puede no dude en participar de esta experiencia, en el corazón de Tanzania, y aunque hay muchas empresas que se dedican a organizar safaris, no me cabe duda de que no hay ninguna mejor que ésta, por su conocimiento, amabilidad, paciencia y ganas de compartir su vida con nosotros.


Great experience.

We just did a week-long Safari through Tanzania with them and the experience has been incredible. They have been very attentive before and during the Safari. Razak is a very experienced person, it is clear that he controls the situation at all times. Throughout the trip he explained interesting things to us about animal behavior and always with a smile. Thank you very much for everything, when we return we will definitely repeat with this safari company. by@Ferran Duran


夫婦二人での12日間のケニアとタンザニアの個人サファリツアーでしたが、素晴らしい経験でした。ガイドのラマは日本語も堪能で、自然に対する豊富な知識をを持ち、ドライバーのシンバは動物を見つけるのはとても上手で、念願のビッグ5を見ることが出来ました。このチームのおかげで、本当に素敵なプライベートのツアーを楽しむことが出来ました。ケニアとタンザニアは2回目ですが、サイレンス オブ ネイチャーはとても行き届いた会社です。 による@misako

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Best Time To Visit Tanzania

The best season to visit Tanzania is during the long dry season, which falls from July to September. These are considered the best months for safaris, the Great Migration, trekking, and beach holidays in Zanzibar.

The Great Wildebeest Migrations

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How To Get A Tanzania Travel VISA

Foreign nationals may apply for a visa online in advance of travel. Applicants may complete the e-visa application form and make payment online